Mental Aspect of Training

The Mental Aspect to Achieving Your Goals

Countless people ask me for advice on training, what to eat, and just what to do in general. I love to talk about achieving fitness goals, so I’m always very open to sharing with others what has or hasn’t worked for me. Most people I talk to never follow through with the advice I give […]


The Metabolism Part 3: Nutrition

The third aspect of metabolism we can alter is the nutritional aspect. We want the metabolism to fire full speed, feed muscle, and burn fat. Every diet method, such as the atkins diet, keto diet, paleo diet, zone diet, intermittent fasting, etc., works within the laws of thermodynamics. The conservation law states that the total […]


The Metabolism Part 2: Muscle Mass

The first element of metabolism is muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Beyond that, it’s a matter of calories consumed vs. calories burned. If you cut back your calories too much, you will lose muscle mass and slow down your metabolism, so I’d suggest always lean towards burning more […]


The Metabolism Part 1: What it is and how it functions!

In this series, I’m going to talk about the key to everything, metabolism. In 2005 while at his peak as the World’s Strongest Man, I met Mariusz Pudzianowski. He was 300 pounds of pure muscle built like a Greek statue. I’m not sure what his body fat percentage was, but it had to be well […]

New Member Series

The Value in Volume

To grow and become stronger, you also must rest and recover. Training breaks you down and takes energy. So, why train? Why not just rest and recover? The reason is you must stimulate an adaptation. Training is the stimulus that causes your body to adapt. However, training is a negative factor taking energy and requiring […]

New Member Series

If it isn’t broken don’t fix it!

If you have your plan established and it is producing results, stick with it. There is no reason to change exercises or repetitions only for the sake of change; however, if you are not progressing, this is precisely the time for a change of some sort. How do you know what to change? Let me […]