New Member Series

The Value in Volume

To grow and become stronger, you also must rest and recover. Training breaks you down and takes energy. So, why train? Why not just rest and recover? The reason is you must stimulate an adaptation. Training is the stimulus that causes your body to adapt. However, training is a negative factor taking energy and requiring […]

New Member Series

Max-Out & Speedwork Days

All sports include an important neurological component, and strength sports are no different. A massive element to lifting maximum poundage is the ability to activate as many muscle fibers into a lift as possible; this, along with the technique, is how you can gain muscle. This is true for increasing actual strength or muscle mass […]

New Member Series

If it isn’t broken don’t fix it!

If you have your plan established and it is producing results, stick with it. There is no reason to change exercises or repetitions only for the sake of change; however, if you are not progressing, this is precisely the time for a change of some sort. How do you know what to change? Let me […]

New Member Series

Get with the Program

Before: 25% Body Fat 275+ lbs CPAP Machine Needed Bad Kidney Function  High Blood Pressure  Low Energy Bad Mood After: 9% Body Fat 205 lbs Sleep Apnea Improved Kidney Function Improved Blood Pressure Down High Energy Happier Improved Relationships I recently switched from being a powerlifting competitor to bodybuilding competitions. After seeing my training and […]

New Member Series


The number one thing we want to focus on in our training is intensity. I want you to hit a 100% intensity level every single workout every single exercise. The weight and sets don’t matter. It is the intensity level that matters. That is how you stimulate muscle growth. It’s easy to get wrapped up […]

New Member Series

Getting Started

     Our slogan at Davenport barbell is Vivamus Sui Irius, and this means to live freely. I believe in life, and you should be able to do things for yourself. On our website, we will teach you how to coach yourself and become your trainer. Also, I believe you should be flexible and balanced […]

New Member Series


The foundation of my training philosophy is that training should make your life better, but it shouldn’t be your life. The only time you grow and get stronger is when you’re resting and recovering. You don’t get stronger when you’re training. Instead, you are breaking your muscles down, damaging them, and they must repair for […]